School Council
The School Council is the representative body, and advisory support to the direction of Colégio Piracicabano of the Methodist Church, and consists of: the Principal, its President; by the representative of the School Pastoral; by the Secretary; by 1 representative of the pedagogical coordination, elected by their peers; by 1 representative of educational guidance, elected by their peers; by 2 faculty representatives, elected by their peers; by 2 representatives of the student body, elected by the Board of Students; by 1 representative of each existing association up to the limit of 3. for 2 parents representatives, elected by their peers. The mandate of the elected members of the School Council is 24 months, renewable for an equal period.
It is for the School Council, discuss and submit proposals on: effective forms and application of guidelines and standards of the School; situations of pedagogical, administrative, technical, and other assistance; Special programs aimed at integrating school-family-community; changes of School Rules; school calendar; opine on: issuance of compulsory transference of students ; other matters for which has been requested. The School Council shall meet, ordinarily, at the beginning of each academic semester and, extraordinarily, or convened by the Chairman at the request of at least 2/3 of its members. Sole paragraph. The meetings take place, on first call, with the presence of the majority of the members of the Council and in second call, with any number of its members.