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Elementary School

por fernando publicado 13/01/2016 10h43, última modificação 13/01/2016 10h43

Elementary School - 1st to 5th Grade

Colégio Piracicabano works the personal development along with knowledge construction. The process of literacy as well as any educational project considers the student's reality and seeks to give students the opportunity to build knowledge collectively, valuing the contribution and participation of each one.

Students have a rich and varied range of educational activities so that the curiosity and interest are procured and empowered in a stimulating and helpful environment for learning and solidarity, both with classroom and extracurricular activities. Physical Education, English, Arts, Drama, Music and Religious Education are also key parts of the educational process.

By building knowledge and themselves, the students see themselves, the others and the world more clearly, and will thus organize and understand reality.

Opening hours of Elementary School:

  • 1st to 5th grade - from monday to friday - 01:00 pm to 05:30 pm
  • 4th and 5th grade - from monday to friday - 07:40 am to 12:10 pm